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Inscription on casting of Peckham number 8 truck

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2nd April 2011, Detail of Zürich 93. The car is only temporarily supported on the truck, hence the wooden block instead of the leaf spring. See also this news item.

I believe the full text (partly obliterated by the subsequent welding on of an additional flange and widening of the axle box to permit more powerful motors to be added) reads "PECKHAMS FLEXIBLE GEAR MANUFACTURED BY PECKHAM MOTORTRUCK & WHEEL CO 8 KINGSTON N Y PATENTED AUG 30 1892". The 8 refers to this being a number 8 type truck according to the manufacturer's catalogue. Also visible is the company's monogram PTC. Edgar Peckham devised an ingenious modular system permitting trucks of different dimensions to be assembled from standard parts. A more complete text is legible on this specimen. One of the later units manufactured under licence in Switzerland by SWS (Schlieren) can be seen here.

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